# ho_netmon.pl # # $Id: ho_netmon.pl,v 1.4 2004/09/06 10:29:20 jvunder REL_0_3 $ # # Part of the Hybrid Oper Script Collection. # # Monitors the linked servers of one or more networks. # Requires you to be opered, because it looks at the server split/join # server notices. use strict; use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI $SCRIPT_NAME); use POSIX; use Irssi; use Irssi::Irc; # for redirect_register() use Irssi::TextUI; # for statusbar use HOSC::again; use HOSC::again 'HOSC::Base'; use HOSC::again 'HOSC::Tools'; import HOSC::Tools qw{is_server_notice seconds_to_dhms}; use constant NETMON_FILENAME => 'netmon.data'; # --------------------------------------------------------------------- ($VERSION) = '$Revision: 1.4 $' =~ / (\d+\.\d+) /; %IRSSI = ( authors => 'Garion', contact => 'garion@efnet.nl', name => 'ho_netmon', description => 'Monitors the network for split servers.', license => 'Public Domain', url => 'http://www.garion.org/irssi/hosc.php', changed => '07 August 2004 12:27:30', ); $SCRIPT_NAME = 'Netmon'; # Data hash. my %status; # Temp hash for server checking. my %checked_servers; my @subcommands = qw[help status check list learn save load add remove name]; sub event_serverevent { my ($server, $msg, $nick, $hostmask) = @_; my ($nickname, $username, $hostname); return unless is_server_notice(@_); my $tag = lc $server->{tag}; return unless grep /^$tag$/, split / +/, lc Irssi::settings_get_str('ho_netmon_network_tags'); my $ownnick = $server->{nick}; # Remove the NOTICE part from the message # NOTE: this is probably unnecessary. $msg =~ s/^NOTICE $ownnick ://; $msg =~ s/^NOTICE . ://; $msg =~ s/\*\*\* Notice -- //; # -- Server split messages (all splits create this): # Server services.eu split from hub.dk # -- Server join messages: # Server hub.efnet.nl being introduced by hub.uk # Link with chanfix.carnique.nl[unknown@] established: # We need the second message too because not all joins generate the # first message. if ($msg =~ /^Server (\S+) split from \S+$/) { process_split($tag, $1); } elsif ($msg =~ /^Server (\S+) being introduced by \S+$/) { process_join($tag, $1); } elsif ($msg =~ /^Link with ([^[]+)\[.+\] established:/) { process_join($tag, $1); } } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Statusbar item determination function. sub netmon_sb { my ($item, $get_size_only) = @_; my $txt = '';# = "{sb "; for my $tag (sort keys %status) { my $missing = 0; my $tag_txt = "$tag: "; for my $server (sort keys %{ $status{$tag} }) { if ($status{$tag}->{$server}->{status} eq 'missing') { $missing++; $tag_txt .= $status{$tag}->{$server}->{name} . ","; } } $tag_txt =~ s/,$/ /; if ($missing > Irssi::settings_get_int('ho_netmon_sb_max_servers')) { $txt .= "$tag: $missing missing "; } elsif ($missing > 0) { $txt .= $tag_txt } } $txt =~ s/ $//; if (length $txt) { $item->default_handler($get_size_only, "{sb nm: $txt}", undef, 1); } else { $item->default_handler($get_size_only, "{sb nm: all ok}", undef, 1); } } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_netmon { my ($data, $server, $item) = @_; for my $cmd (@subcommands) { if ($data =~ m/^$cmd/i ) { Irssi::command_runsub ('netmon', $data, $server, $item); Irssi::statusbar_items_redraw('netmon'); return; } } print_syntax(); } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_netmon_help { print_help(); } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_netmon_load { if (load_netmon_data()) { ho_print("Loaded netmon data successfully."); } else { ho_print("Not loaded netmon data."); } } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_netmon_save { if (save_netmon_data()) { ho_print("Saved netmon data successfully."); } else { ho_print("Not saved netmon data."); } } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_netmon_status { my ($data, $server, $item) = @_; if ($data) { my $tag = lc $data; print_status($tag); } else { ho_print("Status is available for the following tags: " . lc Irssi::settings_get_str('ho_netmon_network_tags')); } } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_netmon_list { my ($data, $server, $item) = @_; if ($data) { my $tag = lc $data; print_list($tag); } else { ho_print("List is available for the following tags: " . lc Irssi::settings_get_str('ho_netmon_network_tags')); } } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_netmon_learn { my ($data, $srv, $item) = @_; if (length $data == 0) { ho_print("Please use /NETMON LEARN ."); return; } my $server = Irssi::server_find_tag($data); if (!defined $server) { ho_print("Not connected to server with tag $data."); return; } ho_print("Learning the servers on network $data."); $server->redirect_event('command cmd_netmon', 1, undef, 0, undef, { 'event 364' => 'redir event_links_line_learn', 'event 365' => 'redir event_links_end_learn', } ); # Now send LINKS to obtain a list of all linked servers. $server->send_raw_now('LINKS'); } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Performs a /LINKS for this network tag and inspects if all servers # are present. This command will not add new servers to the list; it # will only update the status of the already defined servers. sub cmd_netmon_check { my ($data, $srv, $item) = @_; if (length $data == 0) { ho_print("Please use /NETMON CHECK ."); return; } my $server = Irssi::server_find_tag($data); if (!defined $server) { ho_print("Not connected to server with tag $data."); return; } ho_print("Checking the servers on network $data."); %checked_servers = (); $server->redirect_event('command cmd_netmon', 1, undef, 0, undef, { 'event 364' => 'redir event_links_line_check', 'event 365' => 'redir event_links_end_check', } ); # Now send LINKS to obtain a list of all linked servers. $server->send_raw_now('LINKS'); } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_netmon_add { my ($data, $srv, $item) = @_; if ($data =~ /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*$/) { my ($tag, $server) = (lc $1, $2); if (grep /^$tag$/, split / +/, lc Irssi::settings_get_str('ho_netmon_network_tags') ) { if (exists $status{$tag}->{$server}) { ho_print("Server $server already present in tag $tag."); return; } ho_print("Adding server $server to tag $tag."); $status{$tag}->{$server} = { status => 'unknown', ts => time, full_name => $server, name => $server, split_ts => undef, split_count => 0, }; } } else { ho_print("Use /NETMON HELP for help."); } } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_netmon_remove { my ($data, $srv, $item) = @_; if ($data =~ /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*$/) { my ($tag, $server) = (lc $1, $2); if (grep /^$tag$/, split / +/, lc Irssi::settings_get_str('ho_netmon_network_tags') ) { if (!exists $status{$tag}->{$server}) { ho_print("No server $server present in tag $tag."); return; } ho_print("Removing server $server from tag $tag."); delete $status{$tag}->{$server}; save_netmon_data(); } } else { ho_print("Use /NETMON HELP for help."); } } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_netmon_name { my ($data, $srv, $item) = @_; if ($data =~ /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*$/) { my ($tag, $server, $name) = (lc $1, $2, $3); if (exists $status{$tag}->{$server}) { $status{$tag}->{$server}->{name} = $3; ho_print("Changed name of server $server to $name."); save_netmon_data(); } else { ho_print("No server $server present in tag $tag."); } } else { ho_print("Use /NETMON HELP for help."); } } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- sub process_join { my ($tag, $server) = @_; if (grep /^$tag:$server$/, (split / +/, lc Irssi::settings_get_str('ho_netmon_ignore_servers')) ) { return; } if (exists $status{$tag}->{$server}) { ho_print("[$tag] Rejoin: $server.") if Irssi::settings_get_bool('ho_netmon_verbose'); } else { ho_print("[$tag] Join new server: $server.") if Irssi::settings_get_bool('ho_netmon_verbose'); $status{$tag}->{$server}->{name} = $server; $status{$tag}->{$server}->{split_count} = 0; } $status{$tag}->{$server}->{status} = 'present'; $status{$tag}->{$server}->{ts} = time; Irssi::statusbar_items_redraw('netmon'); } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- sub process_split { my ($tag, $server) = @_; if (grep /^$tag:$server$/, (split / +/, lc Irssi::settings_get_str('ho_netmon_ignore_servers')) ) { return; } if (exists $status{$tag}->{$server}) { ho_print("[$tag] Split: $server.") if Irssi::settings_get_bool('ho_netmon_verbose'); } else { ho_print("[$tag] Split new server: $server.") if Irssi::settings_get_bool('ho_netmon_verbose'); $status{$tag}->{$server}->{name} = $server; } $status{$tag}->{$server}->{status} = 'missing'; $status{$tag}->{$server}->{ts} = time; $status{$tag}->{$server}->{split_ts} = time; $status{$tag}->{$server}->{split_count}++; Irssi::statusbar_items_redraw('netmon'); } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- sub print_list { my ($tag) = @_; if (!exists $status{$tag}) { ho_print("No list for tag $tag."); return; } my $now = time; ho_print("Server list for tag $tag:"); for my $server (sort keys %{ $status{$tag} }) { my $format = 'ho_netmon_list_line_' . $status{$tag}->{$server}->{status}; my $time = strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime($status{$tag}->{$server}->{ts}); my ($d, $h, $m, $s) = seconds_to_dhms($now - $status{$tag}->{$server}->{ts}); my $timediff = "$d+$h:$m:$s"; Irssi::printformat(MSGLEVEL_CRAP, $format, $server, $status{$tag}->{$server}->{name}, $status{$tag}->{$server}->{split_count}, $timediff, $time); } } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- sub print_status { my ($tag) = @_; if (!exists $status{$tag}) { ho_print("No status for tag $tag."); return; } my $now = time; ho_print("Status report for tag $tag:"); my @missing; for my $server (sort keys %{ $status{$tag} }) { if ($status{$tag}->{$server}->{status} eq 'missing') { push @missing, $status{$tag}->{$server}->{name}; } } if (@missing) { ho_print("Missing servers (" . scalar @missing . "/" . scalar (keys %{ $status{$tag} }) . "): " . join ' ', @missing); } else { ho_print("All " . scalar (keys %{ $status{$tag} }). " servers are present."); } } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- sub event_links_line_learn { my ($server, $args, $nick, $address) = @_; Irssi::signal_stop(); my $tag = lc $server->{tag}; # hoscgaar hub.nl towel.carnique.nl :1 Carnique main hub server if ($args =~ /^\S+\s(\S+)\s(\S+) :/) { if (!exists $status{$tag}->{$1}) { ho_print("Learned new server: $1.") if Irssi::settings_get_bool('ho_netmon_verbose'); $status{$tag}->{$1} = { status => 'present', ts => time, full_name => $1, name => $1, split_ts => undef, split_count => 0, }; } } } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- sub event_links_end_learn { my ($server, $args, $nick, $address) = @_; Irssi::signal_stop(); Irssi::statusbar_items_redraw('netmon'); ho_print("Done learning."); save_netmon_data(); } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- sub event_links_line_check { my ($server, $args, $nick, $address) = @_; Irssi::signal_stop(); my $tag = lc $server->{tag}; # hoscgaar hub.nl towel.carnique.nl :1 Carnique main hub server if ($args =~ /^\S+\s(\S+)\s(\S+) :/) { $checked_servers{$1} = 1; if (exists $status{$tag}->{$1}) { if ($status{$tag}->{$1}->{status} ne 'present') { $status{$tag}->{$1}->{status} = 'present'; $status{$tag}->{$1}->{ts} = time; } } } } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- sub event_links_end_check { my ($server, $args, $nick, $address) = @_; my ($present, $missing, $total) = (0, 0, 0); my $tag = lc $server->{tag}; my $now = time; # All servers we did not find can be changed from whatever status they # currently have to missing. for my $server (sort keys %{ $status{$tag} }) { if (!$checked_servers{$server} && $status{$tag}->{$server}->{status} ne 'missing' ) { $status{$tag}->{$server}->{status} = 'missing'; $status{$tag}->{$server}->{ts} = $now; } } for my $server (sort keys %{ $status{$tag} }) { $present++ if $status{$tag}->{$server}->{status} eq 'present'; $missing++ if $status{$tag}->{$server}->{status} eq 'missing'; } $total = $present + $missing; ho_print("[$tag] Found $present present and $missing missing servers."); Irssi::signal_stop(); Irssi::statusbar_items_redraw('netmon'); } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- sub save_netmon_data { my $file = Irssi::get_irssi_dir() . '/' . NETMON_FILENAME; open F, ">$file" or return ho_print_error("Error opening outputfile $file: $!"); for my $tag (sort keys %status) { for my $server (sort keys %{ $status{$tag} }) { my $msg = "$tag $server " . $status{$tag}->{$server}->{name}; print F "$msg\n"; } } close F; return 1; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- sub load_netmon_data { my $file = Irssi::get_irssi_dir() . '/' . NETMON_FILENAME; return unless -f $file; open F, $file or return ho_print_error("Error opening inputfile $file: $!"); my @lines = ; close F; %status = (); # Each line is like this: # EFNet efnet.demon.co.uk demon # Being the tag, complete server name, and short server name. my $now = time; for my $line (@lines) { if ($line =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*$/) { my $tag = lc $1; $status{$tag}->{$2} = { full_name => $2, name => $3, status => 'unknown', ts => $now, split_ts => undef, split_count => 0, }; } } return 1; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- ho_print_init_begin(); # The redirect for LINKS output. Irssi::Irc::Server::redirect_register('command cmd_netmon', 0, 0, { 'event 364' => 1, }, { 'event 365' => 1, }, undef ); Irssi::signal_add_first('server event', 'event_serverevent'); Irssi::signal_add('redir event_links_line_learn', 'event_links_line_learn'); Irssi::signal_add('redir event_links_end_learn', 'event_links_end_learn'); Irssi::signal_add('redir event_links_line_check', 'event_links_line_check'); Irssi::signal_add('redir event_links_end_check', 'event_links_end_check'); Irssi::command_bind('netmon', 'cmd_netmon'); Irssi::command_bind("netmon $_", "cmd_netmon_$_") for @subcommands; Irssi::settings_add_str('ho', 'ho_netmon_network_tags', ''); Irssi::settings_add_int('ho', 'ho_netmon_sb_max_servers', 3); Irssi::settings_add_str('ho', 'ho_netmon_ignore_servers', ''); Irssi::settings_add_bool('ho', 'ho_netmon_verbose', 1); Irssi::statusbar_item_register('netmon', '{sb $1-}', 'netmon_sb'); Irssi::theme_register([ 'ho_netmon_line', '$[25]0 - $1', 'ho_netmon_list_line', '$[25]0 - $1', 'ho_netmon_list_line_unknown', '$[25]0 - $[20]1 ($[-2]2) $[-12]3', 'ho_netmon_list_line_present', '%G$[25]0%n - $[20]1 ($[-2]2) %g$[-12]3%n', 'ho_netmon_list_line_missing', '%R$[25]0%n - $[20]1 ($[-2]2) %r$[-12]3%n', ]); load_netmon_data(); { my @tags = split / +/, lc Irssi::settings_get_str('ho_netmon_network_tags'); ho_print("Checking all configured networks...") if @tags; for my $tag (@tags) { cmd_netmon_check($tag); } } ho_print_init_end(); ho_print("Use /NETMON HELP for help."); # --------------------------------------------------------------------- sub print_syntax { ho_print_help('section', 'Syntax'); ho_print_help('syntax', 'NETMON HELP'); ho_print_help('syntax', 'NETMON LIST '); ho_print_help('syntax', 'NETMON STATUS '); ho_print_help('syntax', 'NETMON CHECK '); ho_print_help('syntax', 'NETMON LEARN '); ho_print_help('syntax', 'NETMON LOAD'); ho_print_help('syntax', 'NETMON SAVE'); ho_print_help('syntax', 'NETMON ADD '); ho_print_help('syntax', 'NETMON REMOVE '); ho_print_help('syntax', 'NETMON NAME '); } sub print_help { ho_print_help('head', $SCRIPT_NAME); print_syntax(); ho_print_help('section', 'Description'); ho_print_help("This script monitors the presence of all servers on one ". "or more networks. It provides a statusbar item which shows which ". "servers, if any, are missing (split)."); ho_print_help("Each network has a list of servers, and each server has ". "a full name and a short name. The short name is what shows up in ". "the statusbar item."); ho_print_help("Typical usage of this script is as follows. Load, set the ". "network tags, do /netmon learn for each of those tags, and add a ". "few servers that are missing. Then /statusbar add netmon, and ". "you're all set."); ho_print_help('section', 'Commands'); ho_print_help('command', 'NETMON LIST ', 'Prints a list of all servers on and their status.'); ho_print_help('command', 'NETMON STATUS ', 'Shows a status report of .'); ho_print_help('command', 'NETMON CHECK ', 'Does a /LINKS and checks which servers are present.'); ho_print_help('command', 'NETMON LEARN ', 'Does a /LINKS and learns the servers which are on the network. '. 'This means the server list for this network is updated.'); ho_print_help('command', 'NETMON LOAD', 'Loads the datafile "netmon.data" from disk.'); ho_print_help('command', 'NETMON SAVE', 'Saves the server data to "netmon.data".'); ho_print_help('command', 'NETMON ADD ', 'Adds server to the list of servers this script knows for '. '.'); ho_print_help('command', 'NETMON REMOVE ', 'Removes server from the serverlist of .'); ho_print_help('command', 'NETMON NAME ', 'Sets the short name of in network to .'); ho_print_help('section', 'Statusbar item'); ho_print_help("The statusbar item for this script is called 'netmon'. ". "You can add that to an existing statusbar by calling ". "'/STATUSBAR add netmon'. Use /STATUSBAR to get a list ". "of existing statusbars.\n"); ho_print_help('section', 'Settings'); ho_print_help('setting', 'ho_netmon_network_tags', 'Space separated list of network tags that this script should'. 'monitor.'); ho_print_help('setting', 'ho_netmon_ignore_servers', 'Space separated list of servers that must be ignored. Each server '. 'is denoted by :. Example: e:stats.efnet.info'); ho_print_help('setting', 'ho_netmon_sb_max_servers', 'If the number of split servers is above this number, the statusbar '. 'item does not show a list of their names, but only the amount of '. 'servers missing. You can still use /NETMON STATUS to get the '. 'list of missing servers.'); ho_print_help('setting', 'ho_netmon_verbose', 'Print messages when servers join/split and be more verbose.'); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------