# NOTE: full syntax is : {format} generics: : "@" | "+" | other prefixes (depending on user status in a particular channel) (all prefixes if 'multi-prefix' enabled, highest prefix otherwise) 001 RPL_WELCOME format = :Welcome to , origin = RFC 2812 002 RPL_YOURHOST format = :Your host is , running version origin = RFC 2812 003 RPL_CREATED format = :This server was created origin = RFC 2812 004 RPL_MYINFO format = where = :== all supported user mode letters where = :== all supported channel mode letters origin = RFC 2812 005 RPL_ISUPPORT format = ... :are supported by this server where = :== | "=" origin = ircu ??? 005 RPL_BOUNCE format = :Try server , port origin = RFC 2812 276 RPL_WHOISCERTFP format = :has client certificate fingerprint origin = oftc-hybrid 276 RPL_STATSRLINE format = origin = ircu 276 RPL_VCHANEXIST origin = ircd-hybrid 7.0 277 RPL_VCHANLIST origin = ircd-hybrid 7.0 278 RPL_VCHANHELP origin = ircd-hybrid 7.0 280 RPL_ACCEPTLIST format = ... origin = modeg.txt (hybrid, ratbox, charybdis) 281 RPL_ENDOFACCEPT format = :End of /ACCEPT list. origin = modeg.txt (hybrid, ratbox, charybdis) 300 RPL_NONE Not used. 301 RPL_AWAY format = : origin = RFC 1459 302 RPL_USERHOST format = :... where = :== [] "=" where = :== if is oper then "*" else nil where = :== if is away then "-" else "+" origin = RFC 1459 303 RPL_ISON format = :... origin = RFC 1459 305 RPL_UNAWAY format = :You are no longer marked as being away origin = RFC 1459 306 RPL_NOWAWAY format = :You have been marked as being away origin = RFC 1459 311 RPL_WHOISUSER format = * : origin = RFC 1459 312 RPL_WHOISSERVER format = : origin = RFC 1459 313 RPL_WHOISOPERATOR format = :is an IRC operator origin = RFC 1459 314 RPL_WHOWASUSER format = * origin = RFC 1459 317 RPL_WHOISIDLE format = :seconds idle origin = RFC 1459 318 RPL_ENDOFWHOIS format = :End of /WHOIS list origin = RFC 1459 319 RPL_WHOISCHANNELS format = :... where = :== [] origin = RFC 1459 321 RPL_LISTSTART format = Channel :Users Name origin = RFC 1459 322 RPL_LIST format = : origin = RFC 1459 323 RPL_LISTEND format = :End of /LIST origin = RFC 1459 324 RPL_CHANNELMODEIS format = [] origin = RFC 1459 331 RPL_NOTOPIC format = :No topic is set origin = RFC 1459 332 RPL_TOPIC format = : origin = RFC 1459 341 RPL_INVITING format = origin = RFC 1459 342 RPL_SUMMONING format = :Summoning user to IRC origin = RFC 1459 351 RPL_VERSION format = :
origin = RFC 1459 352 RPL_WHOREPLY format = [][] : where = :== if is away then "G" else "H" where = :== if is oper then "*" else nil 369 RPL_ENDOFWHOWAS format = :End of WHOWAS origin = RFC 1459 401 ERR_NOSUCHNICK format = :No such nick/channel origin = RFC 1459 402 ERR_NOSUCHSERVER format = :No such server origin = RFC 1459 403 ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL format = :No such channel origin = RFC 1459 404 ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN format = :Cannot send to channel origin = RFC 1459 405 ERR_TOOMANYCHANNELS format = :You have joined too many channels origin = RFC 1459 406 ERR_WASNOSUCHNICK format = :There was no such nickname origin = RFC 1459 # Returned by WHOWAS 456 ERR_ACCEPTFULL format = :Accept list is full origin = modeg.txt (hybrid, ratbox, charybdis) 457 ERR_ACCEPTEXIST format = :is already on your accept list origin = modeg.txt (hybrid, ratbox, charybdis) 458 ERR_ACCEPTNOT format = :is not on your accept list origin = modeg.txt (hybrid, ratbox, charybdis) 716 ERR_TARGUMODEG format = :is in +g mode (server-side ignore.) origin = modeg.txt (hybrid, ratbox, charybdis) 717 RPL_TARGNOTIFY format = :has been informed that you messaged them. origin = modeg.txt (hybrid, ratbox, charybdis) 718 RPL_UMODEGMSG format = @ :is messaging you, and you have umode +g. origin = modeg.txt (hybrid, ratbox, charybdis) # vim: nowrap:ts=4:sw=4:ft=desktop