# On the meaning of "TS6ow" jilles: I'm curious what "ow" means in the "TS:ow" or "TS6ow" in the version strings <@jilles> grawity, pretty much obsolete -- o = TS only, w = TS warnings (when a non-TS server is connected remotely) <@jilles> the warnings are long gone but the 'w' has stayed (staticbox.#charybdis @ 2013-04-03 17:52 +0300) # On the meaning of "TS3ora" relaative chans was roger's earlier proposal that was never fully built RogerY as in author of OPAS and Austhex? vchans was the actual implementation of relative chans, but relative chans was envisioned to have servcerside ignore emulating channel modes. no, roger as in TS3ora Efnet's original TS implementation IIRC roger espel llima I think aha, yes well, the 'ora' comes from orabidoo ("orabidoo" appears to be Roger Espel Llima's nickname) (staticbox.#ircv3 @ 2013-02-26 18:14 +0200) # On "login on connect" (Jobe) well with SASL the idea is to phase LOC out as the preferred anyway (Jobe) doc/readme.login-on-connect is out of date anyway (Jobe) the current syntax for PASS when using LOC is "PASS [ ][[[/]/]/]